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Use crystals to balance the negative effects of technology

Today’s modern world and the fast-paced technological innovations it offers create challenges to our health and well-being on a daily basis. Minerals and crystals can combat the negative effects of technology by helping balance the human electromagnetic field.

In May 2011, the World Health Organization placed cell phones on its carcinogen hazard list — along with lead, engine exhaust and chloroform — contending that the microwaves from your cell phone may cause brain cancer. Studies have shown a slight increase in brain cancer with the usage of cell phones, however because this type of cancer takes much longer to develop, perhaps even decades, the data is not yet conclusive.

Although this data is inconclusive on the hazards of cell phone usage and cancer, it is a fact that cell phones produce microwaves. “Close proximity to these waves do affect the electromagnetic field of the human body,” says Jesse Martinez, Master Zenith teacher and healer. “One doesn’t need to do any major scientific research to understand that if one adds an additional spice to the soup it will alter its flavor. So too if you add a new electromagnetic frequency, such as a microwaves from your cellular phone to the human body’s field, you are going to “alter the soup” of the human body.”

Electromagnetic fields interfere with the body’s ability to ionically-bind nutrients that are necessary for cell reproduction, growth and repair. “What happens is it (electromagnetic waves) actually takes an ion off, causing cells to lose their abilities for apoptosis,” states Nicki, Jansma of Remedies, HHP,NP, CT, HP. “Apoptosis is the ability to commit suicide if they (the cells) become abnormal. So, there is a higher risk with any kind of electromagnetic field, as it degrades the cells; our body then changes its ionic bonding; not being allowed to absorb nutrients our body shuts off the ability of apoptosis, thereby creating the ability for abnormal cells to populate. This process results in cancer.”

Various minerals help us keep our fields protected when we use these technologies. The vibrations of the minerals may slow down the microwaves, disperse and scatter the waves, or balance one’s electromagnetic field. Placing minerals in a close proximity to the device producing microwaves and carrying or wearing these minerals will help protect your electromagnetic field.
Here are some minerals that are will effective the electromagnetic field positively:

• Kyanite. This mineral will help restore the balance of the chakras. It is among one of the few mineral that self cleanses. (See Nature’s Pathways October 2010 for more information.)
• Hematite grounds and is a great anchor by your computer.
• Herkimer diamonds are one of the best minerals to protect one’s electrometric fields (See May 2011 Nature’s Pathways.)
• Aventurine. Most common color is green and also a great shield against those “energy vampires.”
• Jade. Available in many colors, but most known in its green form.
• Fluorite. This mineral comes in a variety of colors. (See July 2010 Nature’s Pathways.
• Black Tourmaline- Acts to deflect negative energy to include excessive amounts of radiation.

Most of us are going to continue to use our cell phones, microwaves and computers, even though we know that these are the very items that will alter our body’s field and potentially hurt us. Keep your favorite mineral on hand and not only will you enjoy its beauty, it may just help you keep healthy.